Computer Science - PyEmail

Published: by Creative Commons Licence


Version License Code style: black Imports: isort

PyEmail is a fast, powerful, and easy-to-use open-source Email tool providing a powerfully, user-friendly, and programmatically mail user agent. PyEmail is in a single file with no dependencies other than the Python Standard Library.


  • The defined Email class allows users to set HTML/plain text and reuse the information;
  • The defined Server class can automatically manage the connection and send an email.

Installation from sources

The source code repository is accessible on GitHub.

$ python -m pip install .
$ python install


from PyEmail import Email, Server

email = Email(subject="My email title.", text="Hello!")
with Server("", "password", "") as server:
    server.send(email, to=["", ""])


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.